Phases of ATI Progression
ICATI works closely with countries that have the political commitment and leadership to implement ATI initiatives.
We will provide a range of resources and activities to support a global network of ATI countries. We anticipate that countries will progress through the following phases of ATI development and implementation.

Phase One: Interest and Exploration
In addition to learning more about ATI through ICATI’s resources, as well as remote, in-person, and hybrid events (with link), we encourage countries to advise us of their interests, goals, and any existing treatment alternatives to incarceration in their countries.
At this time, ICATI will also simultaneously initiate contact with ATI trainers and key stakeholders in your country.
Outcomes include:
- Understanding how ATI is effective at reducing drug-related crime and drug use.
- Review of collaborative strategies involving the justice, health, and community service systems to develop and implement ATIs.
- Identification of innovative ATI programs in different countries that may serve as models for implementation of new ATIs.
Phase Two: Systems Preparation
In this phase of ATI country development, ICATI will identify the opportunities and challenges for ATI implementation within a particular country. ICATI will work with countries to complete a self-assessment tool, following completion by country representatives of 4 “ATI Basic” webinars, recordings of which will be found on ICATI’s Events page.
Following this information-gathering process, ICATI will work with country leadership to organize ATI trainings provided by International Organizations (IOs) and key ATI experts.
Outcomes for Phase 2 development is the evaluation of a country’s system readiness for ATI, and engagement with IOs and experts to prioritize next steps for ATI implementation.
Phase Three: Initiative Planning and Launch
In the process of ATI policymaker training, a country-specific ATI Action Plan will be created to serve as a guide for ATI program implementation. While ICATI and our partners support the implementation of the Action Plan, countries will have primary responsibility for developing and evaluating their ATI projects.
Outcomes include:
- Identifying and engaging with local stakeholders to develop and implement ATI initiatives along the full justice continuum, including pre-arrest, court processing, and post-conviction).
- Planning, implementing, and evaluating ATI initiatives within the country, and expanding their scope, quality, and geographical reach.
Phase Four: ATI Expansion
As a result of a cumulative engagement with ATI training and other support, a country will be able to update, track, and expand ATI implementation. They will also be able to evaluate and report on the outcomes of ATI interventions. These reports can be shared with decision-makers, funders, and others. Through their work with ICATI, countries can plan, implement, and evaluate ATI initiatives and expand their reach geographically and at different points in the criminal justice system. Phase Four countries may also have an opportunity to provide mentorship and support to countries that are at earlier phases of ATI development.
ICATI is prepared to assist countries to design and implement ATI policies and programs, and to identify existing gaps, necessary infrastructure, and policy and statutory changes.
Join our network here.