Punishment Alone Does Not Work
Some believe that punishing individuals who have substance use disorders (SUDs) will somehow make the disorders go away. Research clearly shows that using punishment without providing drug treatment does not effectively reduce substance use and crime, and can actually make it worse.
Here are some facts about substance use, crime, and incarceration:

Punishment alone is not the solution of substance use issues and crime.
Punishment Leads to Prison Overcrowding
Building new prisons often reduces funds available for education, healthcare, and other important social programs. Prisons are also not the best places to provide drug treatment, especially for non-violent individuals who could benefit more from less expensive and more effective treatment programs in the community.
Even short terms of incarceration can make individuals more likely to commit crime.

Within three years of leaving prison, 68% of individuals are rearrested, and 52% return to prison for a new crime or for breaking rules related to their community supervision.
Depending on punishment to reduce substance use and drug-related crime has caused prisons in many countries to be overcrowded.
ATI Works
Public policy and clinical research support the effectiveness of ATI in reducing substance use and related crime. These positive outcomes result from important partnerships between the justice and public health systems.
- The justice system makes sure that ATI participants are held responsible for their actions.
- The public health system makes sure that treatment, social services, and recovery supports focus on the main causes of substance use and related crime.
ATI systems are excellent ways to create safe, healthy, and productive communities.

Substance use disorder (SUD) treatment can reduce crime and drug use by 40 to 60%. SUD treatment can also increase employment by 40%.
Benefits of ATI for Countries
- ATI achieves the community goals of safety and health
- ATI allows the justice system to focus its staff and enforcement resources on the most dangerous cases
- ATI helps justice system staff by quickly engaging needed care through the health and community systems
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