Treatment and care for people with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system
This publication is intended to serve as an introductory reference, outlining the options available to States that are in line with the international drug control conventions and other relevant international instruments.
The focus of the...
The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008) and the Use/Possession of Cannabis by Children
Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users
Kebijakan Alkohol di Chili
Chili memiliki salah satu tingkat penggunaan alkohol per kapita tertinggi di Amerika. Kebijakan untuk mengurangi bahaya terkait alkohol sering kali mendapat perlawanan dari industri alkohol, pembuat kebijakan dan masyarakat.
Ulasan ini...
Pendekatan Internasional untuk Reformasi Hukum Narkoba
Makalah ini mengulas bukti internasional tentang pendekatan reformasi hukum narkoba, dengan fokus pada studi kasus dari Australia, Kanada, Denmark, Portugal dan Belanda.
Ini berusaha untuk mendukung pengembangan berkelanjutan pendekatan...
Undang-Undang Narkoba Maladewa 2020
Undang-Undang Narkoba Maladewa memberikan gambaran dan panduan tentang pencegahan penggunaan dan perdagangan narkoba.
Publikasi ini juga memberikan informasi bagi orang-orang yang kecanduan obat-obatan yang akan mendukung mereka dalam...
Keadilan Terapeutik: Konsep dan kemajuan dalam mengatasi situasi terkait narkoba
Webinar ISSUP Argentina: Kebijakan pencegahan kecanduan lokal
The Balearic Islands Introduce Laws to Reduce Binge-Drinking Holidays
The Balearic Islands- including Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, and Formentera- are highly popular tourist destinations, which is renowned for its nightlife.
Unfortunately, along with the partying, there has seen a rise in anti-social...
Minimum Unit Pricing for Alcohol Introduced in Wales
From the 2nd of March, Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for alcohol will come into effect in Wales.
The policy, which has shown positive outcomes in Scotland, aims to tackle alcohol-related harm and death.
MUP is designed to reduce the...
New Zealand Government to Grant Police the Power to Conduct Roadside Drug Testing
Taking drugs influences your ability to drive safely putting yourself and those around you at risk.
In a bid to prevent harm caused by drug driving, the New Zealand Government have introduced police random roadside drug testing.
Memprioritaskan Tindakan terhadap Alkohol untuk Kesehatan dan Pembangunan
Secara global, konsumsi alkohol diperkirakan menyebabkan lebih dari 10% beban penyakit tidak menular, termasuk sirosis hati, penyakit pernapasan, pankreatitis, kanker (oral dan faring, laring, esofagus, hati, kolorektal), stroke dan...
Making Progress in the Fight Against Tobacco
The harm that tobacco causes is clear. Research has confirmed the damage that smoking has on an individuals wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of those around them. More than 7 million deaths a year are the result of direct tobacco use...
Introduction of Minimum Unit Price for Alcohol approved in Welsh Assembly Vote
The Welsh Government will introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol of 50p from 2 March 2020, with regulations today being approved by the National Assembly for Wales.
The new law supports the Welsh Government’s work to address harmful...
Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Training for the Philippine Criminal Justice System
The UNODC Mentor from Indonesia participated as a trainer at the workshop organized by Colombo Plan on The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for the Philippine Criminal Justice System. It was inaugurated with the generous support of the...
Marco técnico de acción para orientar las acciones de reducción del consumo de drogas en el Sistema Penitenciario y Carcelario
El documento de marco técnico de acción para orientar las acciones de reducción del consumo de drogas en el Sistema Penitenciario y Carcelario fue elaborado con la asesoría de la Corporación Viviendo, en el marco del Proyecto “Apoyo...
Utilization of Addiction Treatment among U.S. Adults with History of Incarceration and Substance Use Disorders
The high prevalence of substance use disorders (SUDs) among incarcerated adults in the U.S. is well-known, but there has been less examination of SUD treatment and rates of incarceration among the population of...
Tinjauan Sistematis Cepat tentang Apa yang Kita Ketahui tentang Gangguan Penggunaan Alkohol dan Intervensi Singkat dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana
Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk meninjau bukti gangguan penggunaan alkohol dalam berbagai tahap sistem peradilan pidana di Inggris. Selain itu, ia meninjau bukti intervensi singkat alkohol di seluruh dunia dalam berbagai tahap...
Pricing of Tobacco Products During, and After, the Introduction of Plain Packaging
In 2016 the UK government introduced a policy that required factory-made cigarettes and roll your own tobacco to be sold in plain packaging with pictorial and text warnings.
However, there was reluctance from tobacco companies to “make...