
Colombo Plan has launched a call for a tender for the conversion of the UC F2F courses onto online. This call for proposals is to adapt already created Universal Treatment, Prevention, and Recovery course training materials into a format based on a Moodle platform. 
We are delighted to welcome Olha Myshakivska as a member of our National Chapter staff team. Olha has taken on the role of the Regional Coordinator for Asia within ISSUP’s National Chapter operation.
Each September, Recovery Month is celebrated around the world to raise awareness of alcohol and drug use disorders and promote the benefits of prevention, treatment and recovery support services.
As part of their launch, ISSUP Lebanon wish to invite you to attend a webinar on the 'International Standards on Drug use Prevention' on September 21st 2020.
Con mucha alegría el presidente del Capítulo Nacional de ISSUP Ecuador recibe la bienvenida por parte de Livia Edegger en la reunión mantenida el día 2 de julio en la cual estuvieron presentes Brian Morales de INL, Jimena Kalawski de CICAD/OEA y todos los presidentes de los capítulos nacionales de Brasil, Argentina, Chile y México.
USE OF MOBILE TRUCK SENSITISATION   In early March, 2020, the world was hit by a pandemic of COID-19, which has affected the lives of millions global.
Các thành viên ISSUP và Diễn đàn Thanh niên Nhóm Islamabad của Pakistan đã tổ chức một cuộc họp và sự kiện kỷ niệm ngày 14 tháng 8 (Ngày độc lập của Pakistan) tại Phòng khám Phục hồi chức năng Bác sĩ, Islamabad do Trung tâm Y tế Subhan, Islamabad tổ chức.
Uso de células madre mesenquimáticas y sus derivados como una nueva alternativa terapéutica en el tratamiento del alcoholismo.
El estudio consiste en un diseño multicéntrico, realizado con el apoyo de cada uno de los capítulos nacionales de la International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) en América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador y México). La selección de los Centros de Tratamiento se realizó por medio de la técnica snowball al interior de cada capítulo, respondiendo el cuestionario un total de 52 Centros de Tratamiento.
The first Virtual Conference on Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology.