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Africa and Asia Drug Use Prevention Influencers 2024

September 2024 was not just any month; it was a remarkable chapter in the field of drug demand reduction. Picture this: from 8th to 13th September 2024, drug use prevention influencers from Africa and Asia converged in Kerala, India for a...
Prevention Influencers 2024

INEP Plus Training in Kenya (ISSUP Kenya)

Event Date

ISSUP Kenya is recruiting for the second cohort of INEP+ that is set to begin in early October.

This introductory course covers the following topics: 

- Substance use epidemiology

- Prevention Science and Evidence Based Practices

- Family Based Prevention

- School Based Prevention

- Community Based Prevention

- Environment Based Prevention

- Media Based Prevention

ISSUP Kenya INEP Plus training poster

Women with Substance Use Disorders: My Insights from ISSUP 2024

Did you know that women with substance use disorders are more likely to encounter obstacles across the continuum of care? Despite the unique challenges, women are more likely to engage in help-seeking behavior. This was one of the key take...

Women: Insights from the WISE Training at ISSUP Conference 2024

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Did you know that women with substance use disorders are more likely to encounter obstacles across the continuum of care? Despite the unique challenges, women are more likely to engage in help-seeking behavior. This was one of the key take...
WISE Participants during ISSUP 2024

ICAP- Prevention Certified: My Journey

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In May 2024, the National Authority for the Campaign hosted the first-ever National Drug Use Prevention Week. I had the privilege of co-hosting the event, where I shared my prevention story. Here's how it all began. A few years ago, NACADA...
ICAP- Prevention Certificate- Caroline Kahiu


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NACADA together with its partners SAPTA, Blue Cross Kenya, SCAD, Marantha Restoration Homes, Project 1:11, Carlton Hall Consulting, African Institute for Children Studies, Shamiri Institute and Slum Child Foundation held the first ever...

Kenya Hosts Inaugural National Substance Use Prevention Summit 2024

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In a world where substance use continues to pose a significant threat to health and well-being, Kenya is taking a bold stand. Kenya hosted the first National Prevention Week 2024 culminating in the National Substance Use Prevention Summit...
The National Substance Use Prevention Summit 2024 in Kenya

ISSUP Kenya/USIU-Africa World Mental Health Day 2023 Webinar

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Kenya and the United States International University - Africa co-hosted a webinar to mark World Mental Health Day 2023. The theme is 'Substance Use Prevention: A Responsive Strategy to Enhance Mental Health in Kenya'.