About Us

ISSUP Panama, which has “Cruz Blanca Panameña” as its host organization, accompanied by the Panalfalit Panama Foundation, the Interreligious Committee and Professionals from different areas.

The members of the National Board are professionals who have track records and experience in research, prevention and treatment of psychoactive substance use.

Formed as follows:

Director – ​​Calixta Aronátegui de Balmaceda

Deputy Director- Rodolfo González

Secretary – Issis Navarro

Deputy Secretary - Roddy Geannino

Treasurer – Itza Urriola

Vocal – Roberto Andrade

Vocal – Luisa de Brown

Vocal – Meivis Castillo

This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.

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