Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Ictus due to cocaine use, UTC for healthcare professionals

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez -
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Cocaine generates vasospasm, which can produce severe complications. The use of this stimulant is an independent cerebrovascular risk factor for both ischemic and hemorrhagic events, particularly in those under 55 years of age (Larrosa-Campo, 2013), regardless of frequency or duration of use (Daras, 1991 ; Brown, 1992 ; Westover, 2007).




Brown, E., Prager, J., Lee, H. Y., & Ramsey, R. G. (1992). CNS complications of cocaine abuse: prevalence, pathophysiology and neuroradiology. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 159, 137 – 147.


Daras, M., Tuchman, A. J., & Marks, S. (1991). Central nervous system infarction related to cocaine abuse. Stroke, 22, 1320 – 1325.


Larrosa-Campo, D., Ramón-Carbajo, C., Benavente-Fernández, L., Álvarez-Escudero, R., Zeidan-Ramón, N., Calleja-Puerta, S., et al. (2013). Diagnóstico del ictus por cocaína y sus complicaciones. Rev Neurol, 57, 167 – 70.


Westover, A. N., McBride, S., & Haley, R. W. (2007). Stroke in young adults who abuse amphetamines or cocaine: a population-based study of hospitalized patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64, 495 – 502.


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