This long-standing conference returns to 30 Euston Square to offer an opportunity for workshops, interaction, networking, and shared learning in person.
Join the event, either in person or virtually, to delve into measures for addiction management in primary care, addressing drug and alcohol-related fatalities, handling behavioural addictions like gambling and vaping, discussing psychosocial interventions, exploring the latest addiction research findings, and more.
This conference stands as the largest gathering in the UK, catering to GPs, shared care professionals, nurses, primary care personnel, specialists, commissioners, and researchers engaged in the management of individuals with addiction issues in primary care.
Please note that early bird rates will remain available until November 9, 2023.
Speakers and programme highlights
Opening Address - Professor Kamila Hawthorne
From harm to hope. What progress have we made? - Professor Dame Carol black
Rethinking Medicines for Chronic Pain - Dr Cathy Stannard