
Consultant to conduct Regional Consultation Meeting on TB

Shared by Edie - 18 June 2023
Originally posted by Edie - 18 June 2023


The Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association is a regional network on harm reduction covering 20 countries in the MENA region. The main goal of MENAHRA is to prolong and improve the quality of life of People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) through harm reduction approach in the region. Recognizing the crucial role of the civil society in delivering health services to key populations at increased risk, MENAHRA’s key strategy focuses on strengthening the role of the civil society in implementing harm reduction interventions in the MENA region.

Summary of key tasks

MENAHRA is seeking a consultant to facilitate the Regional Consultation Meeting on TB happening in Lebanon on August 7, 8 and 9, 2023;

MENAHRA aims at organizing a three days regional consultation meeting (face-to-face) for TB program managers, key populations, and civil society organizations from 8 priority countries in the MENA region.

The meeting will focus on advocating for the inclusion of harm reduction and TB services for KPs in national response plans. The meeting will be attended by representatives from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, and Yemen, based on the priority countries highlighted in the MAP of the Stop TB Partnership website.

The consultation meeting will serve as a starting point for the upcoming activities and ensure that the Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA) reaches the objectives of the project.  The meeting will prepare countries' delegations for the UNHLM and ensure TB and harm reduction services for key populations are included in national TB plans. The meeting will be guided by the Zero draft on the UNHLM political declaration, the Deadly Divide report and the Key Asks and will provide a platform for stakeholders to share experiences and knowledge. The meeting will also guide the implementation of the seed fund indicated in the project, and deliver reports identifying key priorities and recommendations for the region.