
Secretariat Services Officer (Drug Control and Crime Prevention)

Shared by Edie - 19 December 2022
Originally posted by Edie - 19 December 2022


Within assigned authority, the incumbent will be responsible for the following specific duties:

• Support the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and the UN Congresses on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in carrying out their functions effectively as central UN policy-making and advisory bodies, respectively, within their respective mandates. 
• Conduct research and prepare or coordinate preparation of documents for the two Commissions as well as for CND subsidiary bodies, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the General Assembly, as required.
• Support policy development processes of the CND and CCPCJ, including through the organization and substantive servicing of negotiations and through providing support to the Secretary and the Chair in this regard.
• Liaise with Permanent Missions to provide information and clarification on the Commissions’ activities.
• Provide technical and substantive support to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in conducting follow-up to the Ministerial Declaration adopted at the sixty-second session of the Commission in 2019, including through the preparation of the thematic discussions. Liaise with other UN entities, functional commissions of ECOSOC and civil society, including with regard to their substantive participation in meetings.
• Provide technical and substantive support to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in conducting the preparations for and follow-up to the Congresses on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. 
• Provide substantive services for subsidiary body meetings of the CND; support the preparation and conduct of working groups; draft documents and reports and act as Secretary of the meetings, as required.
• Support the programmatic work undertaken by the Secretariat to the Governing Bodies in the areas of drugs and crime, including through the development and implementation of project proposals and their administration in UMOJA. Serve as certifying officer. 
• Promote the Commission’s activities to ensure their visibility, including through the preparations for special events and the production of promotional material related to them, and promote the Commission’s work on social media channels and through audio-visual means. 
• Plan and develop websites and e-learning activities related to the work of the Commissions.  
• Develop further the digitization of the work of the Commissions and in this context the holding of the meetings in an online or hybrid format, including by researching technical frameworks, developing new tools in close consultation with IT, proposing and implementing new technologies to be used, liaising with relevant services in the office and the UN system in advancing the implementation of such products for the work of the Commissions. 
• Perform other work-related duties as assigned.