Giovanna Campello

Tuesday, 15 March: virtual side events at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Giovanna Campello - 15 March 2022

Dear colleagues, 

Thank you very much for your interest and participation at yesterday's events at the 65th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs!! We look forward to seeing you at the below PTRS side events today!

Tuesday, 15 March 2022 

  • 13.10-14.00 CET side event on empowering communities in providing low-threshold & primary drug treatment! link: 'join the meeting here'

We are also continuously posting the news of the upcoming events on Twitter as well (@UNODC_PTRS)

For futher information on the organizers, side event flyers and detailed side programme:
Looking forward to seeing you!   

Kind regards,  
Giovanna and the UNODC PTRS Team