Training For Pakistan’s Substance Use Treatment Professionals on Basic Level UTC 1: Physiology & Pharmacology For Addiction Professionals Organized By: ISSUP Pakistan (Approved Training Provider by CPDAP) and Host Organization: Subhan Medical Center Trust

ISSUP Pakistan (Approved Training Provider by CPDAP) and Host Organization: Subhan Medical Center Trust, Islamabad With Collaboration: Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) Organized A TRAINING FOR PAKISTAN’S SUBSTANCE USE TREATMENT PROFESSIONALS on Basic Level Universal Treatment Curriculum UTC 1: Physiology & Pharmacology For Addiction Professionals with Collaboration: Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) on Dated: 16-18th March, 2021 at Doctor Rehab Clinic International, Bani Gala Islamabad.
Nine Participants from different Organizations/Institutes of Islamabad and Rawalpindi attended the above said Training and This training was facilitated by dr. Talat Habib National Trainer by CPDAP, Dr. syyed Azhar Ali National Trainer by UNODC, Mr. Muhammad Shafique Trainer/Post Graduate Diploma in Masters and addiction Sciences and Asst. Professor Nadeem Ghalib National Trainer by CPDAP.
Main objective of this training to trained people by following the Universal Treatment Curriculums who are working in Substance use Treatment field and able to enhance their knowledge and skills to improve their services.
During this Three days Training All participants and trainers were provide clean environment and SOPs against COVID-19 were also followed.

Very well done 👍🏻👍🏻