Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

MCA Alcohol & Covid Webinar 11 November 2020

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez -

The MCA Alcohol and Covid Free Webinar took place at 12.30pm on Wednesday 11 November 2020 in the UK.


The next MCA Annual Symposium is on the theme of 'Interventions & Recovery' on 17 November 2021 at the British Medical Association, London.


MCA members receive discounted rates to the Symposium, the MCA/OUP Journal, Alcohol & Alcoholism & receive advance access to MCA publication 'Alcoholis' with articles on the latest alcohol research.


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Webinar Programme & Speakers:

As we enter the 2nd wave of the Covid pandemic, alcohol is much in the news. The relationship between alcohol and Covid is multi-faceted. There is evidence that alcohol consumption has increased during lockdown, as have mental health problems. Access to services has been impacted. Alcohol consumption may also increase the risk of infection, for instance by causing disinhibition and reduced social distancing.

This webinar is aimed at all health professionals working in the alcohol and health fields. There will be three short presentations by a panel of experts, followed by a question and answer session with the opportunity to submit questions for discussion.



Chaired by Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, MCA President

Lockdown drinking: how alcohol consumption trends have responded to the pandemic - Dr Katherine Severi, Chief Executive, Institute of Alcohol Studies

Left High and Dry? Developing self management guidance for heavy drinkers - Dr Peter Rice, Chair of Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP)

Covid and Alcohol in England: Rapid policy development and the impact on alcohol treatment now and in the future - Dr Chris Daly, Deputy Medical Director and Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist

Q&A with the speakers

Thanks to Dr Iain Smith Q&A Moderator and Professor Julia Sinclair, Q&A guest speaker.