Saima Asghar

Monthly Meeting of ISSUP Members and Youth Forum Pakistan'sTeam Sialkot Online/Via Zoom.

Saima Asghar -
Monthly Meeting of ISSUP Members and Youth Forum Pakistan'sTeam Sialkot Online/Via Zoom.

Following are the minutes of the meeting!

A online Meeting was held on Dated 7th November, 2020 via Zoom link and

began at 2 pm and ended at 3:10 pm.

* The Core Members participated and discussed about upcoming School  based Preventionof SUD and what of content required and assigned duties to  those members who were present in the meeting.

* There was also a part of discussion regarding to conduct online sessions to creat awareness against Substance Use and to choose their topics.

* It was decided that an event will be held on Monday, 9th november (1pm-3pm) to celebrate Iqbal's Day ( A founder of Pakistan) bringing back into minds the vision of Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

* Along with this, the above mentioned points will further be discussed as well as a discussion on certifications and Designation Card distribution too in monday's meetup.

Mr. Muhammad Aslam President M A Jinnah Foundation and Advisor Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention), Ms. Iqra Tahir ISSUP Member and Youth Leader, Ms. Tayyba Asif ISSUP Member and President Youth Forum Pakistan'sTeam Sialkot, Mr. Saqlain ISSUP Member and Youth Forum Pakistan Ms. Khinsha Mujahid ISSUP Member and Secretary Information, Mr. Ali Hassan ISSUP Member and Finaance Secretary Youth Forum Pakistan, , Ms. Muhaddisa Naqwi ISSUP Member and Secretary General Youth Forum Pakistan's Team Sialkot, Ms. Jawaria ISSUP Member and Joint Secretary Secretary were attended the meeting.