The Forgotten: Substance Use Disorders and Behavior Addiction in Indonesia Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

ISSUP Indonesia presents Webinar in order to meet the Launch of ISSUP National Chapter Indonesia: "The Forgotten: Substance Use Disorders and Behavior Addiction in Indonesia Amid COVID-19 Pandemic"

Sunday 25 April 2021 09:30 - 11:30 WIB

Register yourself via the following link(link is external)

Join us and other sister professionals around the world in ISSUP!

Keynote Speech:

Dr. dr. Diah D. Utami, Sp.KJ, MARS, Chairman of ISSUP Indonesia National Chapter

'National Policy in The Management of Substance User Rehabilitation in the COVID-19 Pandemic'

Narendra Narotama, UNODC Indonesia

Dr. Ir. R. Harry Hikmat, M.Si., Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Ministry of Social Affairs

'Management of patients with substance use: clinical practice experience from during the COVID-19 outbreak at the National Narcotics Agency'

Drs. Yuki Ruchimat, M.Si, Head of BNN Lido Rehabilitation Center

'Internet Addiction As a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic'

dr. Kristiana Siste, Sp.KJ (K), Department of Mental Health Fkui-RSCM


Riza Saraswita, M.Si, MHS, Ph.D, Director of PLRIP BNN RI