Efectos de las drogas sobre la neurotransmisión
Cuadro explicativo de los neurotransmisores que intervienen en el consumo de drogas y la drogadicción
Cuadro explicativo de los neurotransmisores que intervienen en el consumo de drogas y la drogadicción
Video explicativo: ¿Por qué es tan difícil dejar las drogas?
Reto nacional sobre el coeficiente intelectual (CI) sobre las drogas y el alcohol.
Recomendación para padres de familia, con consejos sobre crianza positiva para prevenir el abuso de sustancias. En el material Incluye ligas a videos de ejemplos.
Much work has investigated the association between substance use, crime, and recidivism, yet little scholarship has examined these associations longitudinally among samples of recently released prisoners. We...
NIDA. (2015, mayo 1). Hechos sobre la marihuana para adolescentes. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/es/publicaciones/hechos-sobre-la-marihuana-para-adolescentes en 2018, February 15
¿Sabías que el uso de la marihuana entre los...
NIDA. (2015, May 14). Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/marijuana-facts-teens on 2018, February 15
Did you know that teen marijuana use has dropped dramatically since the late 1990s? So, if...
Денсаулық сақтау саласындағы цифрлық мінез-құлық іс-шараларына қызығушылық танытқан кез-келген адам үшін SAMHSA-дан алынған бұл нұсқаулық қызықты болады. Технологияның көмегiмен көмек көрсетудi жүзеге асыру тәртiбiн, бағалауға негiзделген...
Time to consolidate the lessons of the five cells in row 2 of the Drug Treatment Matrix. Whether medical or psychosocial, if you work in/with treatment, this is your chance to lift your eyes from the workbench and reconsider what it’s all...
Opioid use and overdose rates have risen to epidemic levels in the United States during the past decade. Fortunately, there are effective medications (i.e. methadone, buprenorphine, and oral and injectable naltrexone) available...
Жасөспірім кезінде танымдық, мінез-құлықтық және аффективті дисрегуляцияны бейнелейтін проблемалар, мысалы, назар аудармаушылық және эмоциялық дисконтрол, субстанцияларды пайдаланудың бұзылуымен (ҚҚҚ) қауіп-қатерлермен және нәтижелермен...
Exposure to community violence through witnessing or being directly victimized has been associated with conduct problems in a range of studies. However, the relationship between community violence exposure (CVE) and conduct problems has...
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) among young people in youth detention in Australia. Neurodevelopmental impairments due to FASD can predispose young people to engagement with the...
Parental Alcohol Misuse (PAM) can negatively affect children’s physical and mental health, and other outcomes including educational attainment and behaviour. Effects can be acute when experienced in conjunction with other adverse...
Contingency management (CM) has recently shown efficacy in promoting abstinence and retention in treatment among crack cocaine users in Brazil. However, partially because of unawareness and resistance among health...
Updating the previous year’s “really brilliant analysis” (Professor Susanne MacGregor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), our analysis of the performance of England’s drug and alcohol treatment system up to 2016/17. With the...
Cannabis is a known risk factor for schizophrenia, although the exact neurobiological process through which the effects on psychosis occur is not well-understood. In this review, we attempt to develop and discuss a possible...
Objetivo: Estimar la elasticidad precio de la demanda de cigarrillos y alcohol en Ecuador mediante la utilización de datos de corte transversal de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de Hogares Urbanos y Rurales (ENIGHUR)...
Objective: Estimate price elasticity of demand for cigarettes and alcohol in Ecuador using cross-sectional data from the National Survey of Urban and Rural Household Income and Expenditures (ENIGHUR, Spanish acronym) 2011-2012.
...Күшi төмен/ер алкоголь өнiмдерiнiң қол жетiмдiлiгiн арттыру, егер олар қосымша өнiм ретiнде емес, неғұрлым жоғары берiктiк өнiмдерiн алмастырушы ретiнде өткiзiлсе, алкогольдi тұтынуды азайтуға мүмкiндiк береді. Ағымдағы...