
3rd national youth convention, jointly organised by ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Youth Forum Pakistan and Ripha International University, Faisalabad Campus




ISSUP Pakistan Chapter

Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention)

Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus

VANUE: Riphah International University Faisalabad, Punjab




Jaminan Kualitas (QA) Layanan Perawatan Narkoba di Pakistan

Jaringan Kualitas Pengobatan ISSUP dan ISSUP Pakistan, bekerja sama dengan MNC, UNODC dan INL, mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan webinar mereka tentang Jaminan Kualitas (QA) Layanan Perawatan Narkoba di Pakistan.

Gangguan Kejiwaan Komorbid pada Pasien yang menderita Gangguan Penggunaan Zat

ISSUP Pakistan ingin mengundang Anda ke Webinar mereka yang akan datang tentang topik Gangguan Kejiwaan Komorbid pada Pasien yang menderita Gangguan Penggunaan Zat.

ISSUP Pakistan Chapter &M A Jinnah Foundation Merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional 2021 di New Life Rehab Center bekerja sama dengan Youth Forum Pakistan pada 8 Maret 2021.

Pada tanggal 8 Maret 2021, ISSUP Pakistan Chapter dan M A Jinnah Foundation (Regd), Sialkot bekerja sama dengan Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) menyelenggarakan acara untuk merayakan "HARI PEREMPUAN INTERNASIONAL" di New Life Rehab Centre (For Substance Use Prevention, Treatment &Rehabilitation), Sialkot.


Training for Pakistan’s Substance Use Treatment Professionals on Basic Level UTC 1: Physiology & Pharmacology for Addiction Professionals Organized by: ISSUP Pakistan (Approved Training Provider by CPDAP) and Host Organization: Subhan Medical Center Trust

ISSUP Pakistan (Approved Training Provider by CPDAP) and Host Organization: Subhan Medical Center Trust, Islamabad with collaboration:  Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) organized a TRAINING FOR PAKISTAN’S SUBSTANCE USE


Awareness Raising Seminar on "The Role of Society in Mental Health" by ISSUP Pakistan, Kashmir Institute of Mental Health with Collaboration Umeed Clinic Mirpur & Youth Forum Pakistan on 26th January 2021 at Mirpur Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

The main objective of this event was to highlight how mental health awareness is vastly underplayed by a majority of the population, and therein lays the fundamental problem in many low and middle-income countries. There are numerous causes that hinder the progress in mental health service delivery in such countries. These include social


Sesi Terapi Perawatan Keluarga oleh ISSUP Pakistan, M A Jinnah Foundation dengan Tim Sialkot Forum Pemuda Kolaborasi Pakistan di New Life Rehab Center, Sialkot.

Pada 12 Februari 2021, ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, M A Jinnah Foundation (Regd), Sialkot, dengan kolaborasi Youth Forum Pakistan's Team Sialkot, melakukan Family Care Therapeutics Session di New Life Rehabilitation Center (For Drug Use Prevention, Treatment &; Rehabilitation), Sialkot. Selama sesi tersebut, Mr.


Sesi Peningkatan Kesadaran Penggunaan Zat yang diselenggarakan oleh ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pak Youth Council, Youth Forum Pakistan dan Anti-Narcotics Force Punjab di Guardian High School, Lahore-Pakistan.

Pada tanggal 5 Maret 2021 ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pak Youth Welfare Council dengan kolaborasi Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) dan Anti-Narcotics Force Punja menyelenggarakan sesi peningkatan Kesadaran di Guardian High School, Nadeemi Chowk New Shadbagh, Lahore tentang efek berbahaya dari penggunaan narkoba di masyarakat kita dan pada generasi muda.


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