Masalah PERSEPSI Narkoba Dunia: Melawan Prasangka tentang Orang yang Menggunakan Narkoba
Laporan baru ini berfokus pada bagaimana persepsi saat ini tentang narkoba dan orang-orang yang menggunakannya telah menyebabkan pendekatan yang tidak realistis dan menstigmatisasi, daripada pragmatis dan berbasis bukti terhadap kebijakan...
Topik Hangat Bank Efektivitas: Mengukur Bahaya Terkait Alkohol: Politik dan Sains
Di tingkat nasional, bahaya terkait alkohol dan terutama biaya bersih kerugian versus manfaat adalah konsep yang licin. Kelenturan dan arti penting kebijakan bergabung untuk membuat perkiraan wilayah yang diperebutkan, dipandang sebagai...
Agenda Nacional de Investigación para la Lucha contra las Drogas 2016-2021
La Agenda Nacional de Investigación para la Lucha contra las Drogas 2016 - 2021 define líneas estratégicas y temáticas prioritarias de investigación que abarquen los diferentes aspectos y complejidades de la problemática de las drogas en el...
Tobacco and Its Environmental Impact: An Overview
This overview assembles existing evidence on the ways in which tobacco affects human well-being from an environmental perspective – i.e. the indirect social and economic damage caused by the cultivation, production, distribution...
Alcohol Marketing Regulation: From Research to Public Policy
Alcohol marketing, promotion and sponsorship are widespread in most of the world today. Alcohol marketing is evolving constantly and utilizes multiple channels, including youth-oriented radio, television, sports events and...
"Effects of Drugs on Socio-Economic Conditions of Union Council Shoghore District Chitral, Pakistan"
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Drug addiction is a pathological or abnormal condition which arises due to frequent or abnormal use of substances which affects human senses and decreased...
Alcohol Taxation Policy in Kyrgyzstan (2017)
Increasing the price of alcohol is one of the most effective policy measures to reduce overall consumption in a country, and hence to reduce the level of alcohol-related harm. Taxation is a common way to control the price of alcoholic...
Measuring Improvement in Knowledge of Drug Policy Reforms Following a Police Education Program in Tijuana, Mexico
Mexico’s 2009 “narcomenudeo reform” decriminalized small amounts of drugs, shifting some drug law enforcement to the states and mandating drug treatment diversion instead of incarceration. Data from Tijuana...
The President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis
The Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis
The primary goal of the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis is to develop an effective set of recommendations for the President to combat the opioid crisis and...
ISSUP Mengambil Bagian dalam Konsultasi Kontinental Uni Afrika tentang Pengurangan Permintaan Obat
Konsultasi Kontinental Uni Afrika tentang Pengurangan Permintaan Obat yang diselenggarakan oleh Uni Afrika berlangsung di Tunisia dari 1-3 November. ISSUP diundang untuk hadir dan berkontribusi pada pertemuan melalui Jeff Lee, Konsultan...
How Can We Demonstrate the Public Value of Evidence-Based Policy Making when Government Ministers Declare that the People ‘Have Had Enough of Experts’?
Recent political campaigns on both sides of the Atlantic have led some to argue that we live in the age of ‘post-factual’ or ‘post-truth’ politics, suggesting evidence has a limited role in debate and public policy. How can we...
Tobacco Industry Strategies Undermine Government Tax Policy: Evidence from Commercial Data
Objective: Taxation equitably reduces smoking, the leading cause of health inequalities. The tobacco industry (TI) can, however, undermine the public health gains realised from tobacco taxation through its pricing strategies...
Hotel Smoking Policies and Their Implementation
Most states in the U.S. permit hotels to allow smoking in some guest rooms, and only five (Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin) require that all hotel and motel rooms be 100% smoke-free (State...
Delinquency and Substance Misuse Among US Teens See Significant Decline
12- to 17-year-olds in the US are now far less likely to misuse alcohol, nicotine and illegal drugs. The same age group is also less prone to delinquent behaviours, such as stealing and fighting than the generation before. This is according...
Regresif atau Progresif? Efek Pajak Tembakau di Ukraina
Pajak tembakau biasanya dianggap regresif karena individu termiskin mengalokasikan bagian yang lebih besar dari anggaran mereka untuk pembelian produk terkait tembakau. Namun, karena pajak ini juga mencegah penggunaan tembakau...
Ending the Opioid Crisis: A Practical Guide for State Policymakers
Although the opioid epidemic is a national issue, states shoulder the majority of the financial and social burden caused by addiction. Fortunately, there are many actions that states can take to effectively address the opioid...
Drug Policy Evaluation
Drug Policy Evaluation: A Seven-Step Guide to Support the Commissioning and Managing of Evaluations is a new resource from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). The document addresses the key issues...
Statistik Perawatan Obat dan Alkohol
Ringkasan Eksekutif
Data yang dikumpulkan di lembaga perawatan obat memainkan peran penting dalam menginformasikan pembuat kebijakan. Data semacam itu sering mewakili satu-satunya informasi yang dikumpulkan secara teratur dan konsisten...
New National Alcohol Policy launched by Minster of Health
The new National Alcohol Policy for Malawi has been in the making since 2008, a process originally initiated by a group of NGOs. On the 18th of August almost ten years later the Minister of Health, Atupele Muluzi, could launch the final...