ISSUP Keňa se setkala s rakouským velvyslancem
Mnohokrát děkuji Jeho Excelenci Christianu Fellnerovi, rakouskému velvyslanci v Keni za setkání s týmem ISSUP Kenya na rakouském velvyslanectví v Nairobi. Bylo mi ctí podělit se o snižování poptávky po drogách (zkušenosti z Keni a Rakouska), a to v rámci příprav na konferenci ISSUP V ve Vídni. Současnost: Prezident ISSUP Keňa Evans Oloo, výkonní členové Dr. Richard Gakunju a paní Susan Ruturi
UTC Substance Use Disorders training delivered by ISSUP Kenya, June 2019
Annual General Meeting, July 2018
ISSUP Kenya held its Annual General Meeting on 14th July 2018. The meeting brought together the membership and Executive Committee to review the past years activities and report on the plans for the next six months. The forum also inducted 17 new members and issued them with membership certificates. Officiating the meeting was the President Mr. Oloo. Other members present were Dr. Richard Gakunju who updated members on ISSUP Global activities, Dr Beatrice Kathungu and Dr.
ISSUP Kenya Launch
ISSUP Kenya was officially launched during the opening ceremony of the NACADA, ISSUP and African Union