
ISSUP Kenya meets local youth entrepreneurs interested in DDR

ISSUP-KENYA met up with local entrepreneurs interested in


ISSUP Kenya meeting with Women In Mental Health Interventions and Treatment (WIMIT)

ISSUP Kenya President Dr. Pamela Kaithuru represented us in a successful meeting with Women In Mental Health Interventions and


Worlds Aids Day Panel Discussion - Hosted by ISSUP Kenya

ISSUP (K) will be hosting a roundtable discussion on ending the triple threat: HIV infections; Sexual and Gender-based Violence; and Adolescent Pregnancies to commemorate World Aids Day on 1st December 2022, from 6-8pm led by our chapter President Dr. 


Yeni ISSUP Kenya 2022-2025 İcra Komitesi'nin açılışı

27 Ağustos 2022'deki başarılı seçimlerimizin ardından, ISSUP Kenya için yeni İcra Komitesinin açılışına tanık olduk. Onlara, yeni gelen Başkan ISSUP Kenya Dr.


Alcohol Use Disorder and its Treatment with Medications and Nutrition

ISSUP Kenya invite you to their next Webinar on Alcohol Use Disorder and its Treatment with Medications and Nutrition.

Kenya Bağımlılık Uzmanları, Kenya Cumhuriyeti Seçilmiş Cumhurbaşkanı ile bir araya geldi

Kenya Bağımlılık Uzmanları, 13 Eylül 2022'de yeni Cumhurbaşkanı ve Savunma Kuvvetleri Başkomutanı olarak göreve başlamadan önce Kenya Cumhuriyeti Seçilmiş Cumhurbaşkanı Ekselansları Dr. William Samoei Ruto ile baş başa görüşme fırsatı ve ayrıcalığı buldu.

Disability mainstreaming and inclusion in accessing Mental Health & SUD treatment and care

ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on disability mainstreaming and inclusion in accessing Mental Health and SUD treatment.

ISSUP Kenya Executive Committee Meeting

ISSUP Kenya Executive Committee had a planning meeting to organise the upcoming society elections in August 2022. The arrangements are on track for a successful inaugural election.


Madde Kullanım Bozukluğu ve İnsan Ticareti Arasındaki Kesişim

ISSUP Kenya, sizi Madde Kullanım Bozukluğu ve İnsan Kaçakçılığı Arasındaki Kesişim konulu bir sonraki İki Aylık Web Seminerine katılmaya davet etmek istiyor.

Saat: 16:00 İngiltere Saati | 18:00 Kenya Saati

Web Seminerine Kaydolun


Bu Web Seminerinde şunlar ele alınacaktır:


The Impact of Substance Use Disorder in Educational Institutions in Kenya: Possibilities for Mitigation

ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to their next Webinar on The Impact of Substance Use Disorder in Educational Institutions in Kenya.

Time: 6PM Kenya | 3PM UK

Register for the Webinar


This Webinar will discuss:


Share YOUR Knowledge

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