The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. .
Mental Health
Anti-Stigma Network: Developing inclusion - substance use related stigma across general practise
What positive steps can we make to ensure that stigmatisation within a GP setting is reduced for people who use drugs and alcohol? A person-centred approach, appropriate language and addressing implicit bias could be key. Hear from three healthcare providers across the UK and Ireland who share their experiences and tips for best practice.
Time: 12:30PM - 2PM UK Time
Hazell Forums Summit 2025
Welcome to the Hazell Forums Summit 2025, a 2-day conference at the prestigious One Birdcage Walk, Westminster – London, focused on personal and professional development within the mental healthcare industry.
9th Annual Recovery Capital Conference
Join us for one of the largest gatherings of Indigenous Health Teams, Occupational Health Leaders, and Health Care Professionals.

8th International Conference on Neurology and Psychology
8th International Conference on Neurology and Psychology, will be organized around the theme ““Brain and Behavior: New Horizons in Neurology and Psychology””
Neuroscience-2025 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Neuroscience-2025.
Self-Regulation and Risk Behavior of Adolescents Aged 15–20
Risk Factors for Substance Use among University Students in Ukraine during Wartime

Resilience and Depressivity among Czech Adolescents in Relation to Internet Gaming Disorder: Representative Sample
Prevalence of Anti-Social Behavior Among Women with Substance Use Disorder in Pakistan
The Relationship Between Depressive Symptomatology and Alcohol Consumption in the Latin American Population Based on Gender and Age