Response strategies for substance use and COVID-19.
COVID-19 related Intervention
Alcohol and the Immune System: 4 Things You Should Know
Prevention in a post-Covid-world: WEBINAR
The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting pretty much everything these days including primary prevention. We at Planet Youth have been keeping in touch with our partners around the world to learn how the pandemic is affecting on-going Planet Youth projects and projects that are being started.
Webinar Ask the Experts: innovaTEL Telepsychiatry Shares Telemental Health Best Practices
As telehealth expands across the country in response to COVID-19, behavioral health providers are having to rapidly train up and transition staff with limited or little experience in delivering services remotely.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Remote Care through Telehealth
Alcohol Use in Times of the COVID-19 Virus
Coronavirus and drug-related issues: are we ready to learn the lessons?
The EMCDDA is offering a new series of webinars around the theme of COVID-19. The purpose of the webinars is to help those working in the drugs field understand how drug users, and those supporting them, are coping with the pandemic and to share knowledge and experience. The webinars will give a voice to key professionals working in the drugs field and will allow for discussion on emerging challenges.
Racial Equity and Health Disparities in the Age of COVID-19: What New Strategies are Needed.
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, and the
Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Communities and Addressing Stigma
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, and the
COVID-19 - Responding to Mental Health and Isolation in the Pandemic
Scottish Drug Forum's fourth free COVID-19 webinar will focus on mental health among people who use substances during the pandemic.