Response strategies for substance use and COVID-19.
COVID-19 related Intervention
Caring for Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 and the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders (South Africa)
Resilience: How to Thrive During COVID-19
During times of extreme stress and uncertainty, such as we are experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common to feel anxiety, depression, and even traumatic stress. The psychology of resilience offers a way to transform these normal reactions to ones that support our strength and growth.
The Effects of COVID-19 on the Illegal Drug Supply
This webinar will explore how regulations put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are inadvertently contributing to an increasingly toxic illegal drug supply and how this shift has both increased health harms and created policy opportunities. Presentations will highlight different perspectives, including systems-level epidemiology data, findings from a local drug checking program and experiences shared by people who use drugs.
COVID-19 et alcool
Quelles quantités d’alcool sont bues pendant le confinement lié à la pandémie de COVID-19? Les Canadiens boivent-ils plus d’alcool qu’à l’habitude et, si oui, le font-ils plus souvent? Les présentateurs ont abordé la consommation d’alcool pendant la pandémie et ont notamment discuté des résultats de sondages commandés par le CCDUS au printemps 2020.