Rethinking your Travels

The Balearic Government, European Alcohol Policy Alliance and IREFREA have the pleasure to invite you to Rethink Your Travel- An Open Debate, on 13th February 2019, Palma, Mallorca.
Excessive alcohol intake by air passengers has economic, medical and welfare ramifications, and is identified as a top three risk to aviation safety.
Accidents on aeroplanes are uniquely unforgiving and the worst scenarios endanger the lives of many people. Apart from the nuisance incurred to the other passengers, drunkenness on aeroplanes causes flights to be diverted, distracts the cabin crew from their normal safety duties and causes a hazard in emergency evacuations.
Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption seems to be continuing beyond the flight itself, causing anti-social behaviour and danger to tourists’ health.
This policy debate will serve to exchange knowledge and explore potential policy solutions.
To register follow the link