Self- help/ mutual aid groups initiatives: a new proposal in the field of Universal Prevention


1.Dr. Eirini Koufaki (⚑ Greece) 1

2.Dr. Sotiris Lainas (⚑ Greece) 2

3.Dr. Andreas Almpanis (⚑ Greece) 1

1. Center of Prevention of Addictions and Promotion of Psychological Health Larissa OKANA, 2. SELF HELP PROMOTION PROGRAM GREECE


The Center of Prevention of Addictions and Promotion of Psychosocial Health Larissa – OKANA is one of the 75 centers for the prevention of addictions in Greece that design and implement universal prevention interventions.

The aim of the interventions is to avoid or delay the beginning of any kind of addictions. On the other hand, the term self- help/ mutual group derive from the Treatment field and describe groups with the following characteristics: a) are run for and by people who share the same health, economic, or social problem or issue, b) the primary source of participants’ knowledge about the issue is direct experience and c) these groups operate predominantly in the non – profit sector. The adaptation of this proposal in the field of universal prevention constitutes the next step for adults who have already participated in universal prevention groups in our Center.

Currently, we run two kinds of groups who begin to integrate the self-help/ mutual aid philosophy. One of them is a group of teachers who have been involved in school prevention interventions for years. At the moment they can make a step forward and form self-help/ mutual aid groups. The other group consists of adults who used to participate in the innovative project of the Center of Larissa called Workshop of Life. The Workshop of Life project combines the principles of Prevention with various forms of Art. Art is a powerful tool in order to communicate meanings like connection, support, acceptance and self-esteem.

In conclusion, the outcomes of these interventions are discussed in detail and good practice suggestions are made for the future. This innovative proposal is cooperation between the Center of Prevention of Addictions and Promotion of Psychosocial Health Larissa – OKANA and the Self Help Promotion Program.