Recovery is Possible: Defining Recovery in terms of abstinence-based treatment and Opioid substitution therapy

ISSUP South Africa would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Defining Recovery in terms of abstinence-based treatment and Opioid substitution therapy.
Two distinct schools of thought permeate the discussion around Substance Use Disorder recovery, that of harm reduction or abstinence. While both retain importance in the treatment of SUD, the base of understanding is seen as significantly different. What are the benefits and challenges of each? How do each impact on the field of SUD intervention? The idea that both can form part of the continuum of care for treatment of SUD is growing internationally, yet most professionals in the field propose one over the other. However, the notion of “Gradualism” might be useful in building this continuum of care and offer greater benefit to those individuals that are navigating their recovery.
Time: 2PM South Africa Time | 1PM UK Time
Register for the Webinar
- Welcome – Roger Weimann, ISSUP South Africa Chapter
- General Introduction to Recovery (Global Overview) – Dr Ed Day, UK Government's drug Recovery Champion
- Defining Recovery (OST and Regional Perspectives) - Dr. Andrew Scheibe, Medical doctor who works in harm reduction research, programmes and policy in South Africa and the region
- The Dynamics of Alcohol Addiction Recovery – Subendran Naidu, Social worker in private practice specialising in grief, bereavement, addictions, trauma and palliative care counselling
- The Story on the Ground - Voices of Recovery
- Question & Answer Session
Learning Outcomes:
- This webinar will seek to give insight into each of these ideas, and provide a platform for the attendees to expand their knowledge of intervention avenues
- Identify the place of Harm reduction AND abstinence in the continuum of care for SUD.
Dr Ed Day is a Psychiatrist who combines clinical work in the NHS with research and teaching. He specializes in the treatment of drug and alcohol use disorders, and his research focuses on testing novel pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. He was appointed the National Recovery Champion by the UK Government in May 2019.
Dr Andrew Scheibe is a medical doctor by training who works in harm reduction research, programmes and policy in South Africa and the region. His work focuses on the intersections between infectious diseases, determinants of health, drugs and rights. He works as an independent consultant and is also a technical advisor for TB HIV Care and is a researcher at the University of Pretoria’s Department of Family Medicine and a visiting professor at the Urban Futures Centre at the Durban University of Technology.
Subendran Naidu is an independent contract IT Lecturer at Rosebank College where he facilitates computer architecture and networking modules. A social worker in private practice specialising in grief, bereavement, addictions, trauma and palliative care counselling. A master's student at the University of Johannesburg completing his master's degree in clinical social work. A yoga teacher facilitating yoga courses. A volunteer at the Art of Living and International Association for Human Values facilitating courses in yoga, breath work and meditation. An adult with alcohol use disorder in sustained remission for more than 14 years and volunteering in mentoring others in recovery from alcoholism.
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The views expressed by speakers or other third parties are those of the speaker or third-party and not, necessarily, those of ISSUP.