smoking cessation

WHO Quitting Toolkit

With professional support and quitting services, tobacco users double their chances of quitting successfully. This WHO toolkit is aimed at tobacco users and is designed to provide information, reasons to quit and resources in an easily accessible format.
WHO quitting toolkit ISSUP

Alternative Treatments for Smoking Cessation

Video and audio recordings
This presentation explored some of the alternative treatments for smoking cessation. In 2005 the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence commissioned a review of Non-NHS treatments for smoking cessation. This included the use of...

Smoking Cessation for Improving Mental Health- Cochrane Review

Scientific article
People with mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. They are also more likely to experience severe withdrawals and are less responsive to treatment. Indeed, some people believe that quitting smoking...

Mental Health and Smoking Cessation

Scientific article
Smoking rates among people with a mental health condition are significantly higher than in the general population. Research has also found that individuals with mental health issues who smoke are more likely to smoke heavily and extract...

Supporting People who Smoke or Vape During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Date
United States

Scientific research is steeply generating a plethora of information on COVID-19. Collecting and analyzing data from cases enhances the identification of risk factors for infection and complications. Because it affects the lungs, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is a severe threat to people who smoke or vape drugs like cannabis and tobacco.


Health Matters: Smoking and Mental Health

It is well documented that people with severe mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. Smoking reduces physical wellbeing and is a key modifiable risk factor for health inequality. Despite this...

Changes in Smoker Characteristics in England

Scientific article
Smoking in England has decreased over the last decade. It is vital to monitor the trends and examine the factors that may be influencing the downward curve, so as to maintain the pattern and make predictions about future smoking rates. A...

Decisions to Use E‐cigarettes or Behavioural Support to Quit Tobacco

Scientific article
Tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive and can cause dependence. Although many people understand the negative health consequences of smoking for themselves and those around them, cutting down or stopping smoking can be highly...