Making the European Region Safer: developments in alcohol control policies, 2010–2019 (2021)

NordAN conference 2021
The NordAN Conference and General Assembly meeting will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on November 19-20, 2021. In case the COVID situation doesn´t allow a physical gathering, the meetings will move online.

Review of ATI efforts worldwide
Review of Alternatives to Incarceration Efforts Worldwide

Alcohol Harms Reduction Legislative Review Workshop
The DG Murray Trust, in collaboration with various experts, recently completed a report called 'Five Best Buys for Alcohol Harms Reduction: A review of policy and legislative framework in South Africa.' and invites you to engage with its findings.

Social Determinants & Substance Use: A Perspective Beyond the Policy 'Silo' Pragmatics
Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in South Africa

The 5th Biennial National Symposium on Drugs and Drug Control Policy in Nigeria
CRISA are happy to announce the 5th Biennial National Symposium on Drugs and Drug Control Policy in Nigeria. You are hereby invited to present your work and participate in discussions on the drug and alcohol situation in Nigeria.
Addressing Alcohol Consumption and Socioeconomic Inequalities: How a Health Promotion Approach Can Help
This session will reflect on recent evidence and illustrate initiatives across countries aimed at addressing the availability, affordability and acceptability of alcohol in socially and economically disadvantaged populations.