Lanzamiento - Conoce a Pahola: La primera especialista digital en temas de salud y alcohol de la OPS
Registro en: https://paho-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sX0sI_74QGiK7Q9svii0Rw
La sesión será en inglés, español y portugués con interpretación simultánea.
Eight guiding principles of the digital transformation of the health sector. A call to pan-American action
Source: https://iris.paho.org/bitstream/handle/10665.2/53730/OPSEIHIS210004_spa.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y The digitization of health services represents important cultural changes for both health personnel and the general population. This...
Virtual seminar: "Alcohol and injury in transit in the Americas"
There is ample evidence that shows that the harmful use of alcohol is associated with deaths and disability caused by injuries in traffic. There is a particular interest in the Region of the Americas on the relationship between transit caused injuries associated with the use of alcohol, since the implementation of policy measures have been slow in countries.
Intervention guide mhGAP for mental, neurological disorders and substance use in the level of non-specialized health care. Version 2.0
Mental, neurological and substance (MNS) disorders are very common and represent a large burden of disease and disability around the world. There remains a wide gap between the capacity of health systems and resources, between what is...