implementation science
6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference 2023
This year NIHR ARC South London will be co-hosting the annual implementation science research conference as a hybrid event with the University of Limerick. Participants will be able to join the conference either online or in person at the University of Limerick in Ireland.
Implementation Research Scientific Conference
The purpose of this conference is to disseminate the fundamentals of Implementation Research among national and international health care services managers and researchers, and especially among the RICAPPS and Osakidetza partners, to foster implementation research and to generate new implementation research projects to be developed.
European Implementation Event
The #EIE2023 brings together individuals and organisations engaged in synthesising, translating, adopting and implementing evidence in human service practice and policy.
5th UK Implementation Science Research Conference
A multidisciplinary conference to improve health and care
Now in its fifth year, the 2022 conference will bring together online researchers, policymakers, clinicians, practitioners and service users from around the world.
The conference will share the best ways to implement evidence-based health and social care research within services and systems to improve health and care outcomes.
Call for Papers: Hybrid Designs in Implementation Science
Implementation Science and Stigma Reduction Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The 2019 Cochrane Colloquium
The 2019 Cochrane Colloquium will take place in Santiago, Chile on 22 - 25 October 2019.
The Cochrane Colloquium is an annual event, bringing people together from around the world to discuss putting research into important global health questions and promoting evidence-informed health care.