Journal of Prevention Science Early Career Reviewer Program: Request for Applications

Due Date: October 1, 2024


The Prevention Science Early Career Reviewer Program aims to both mentor early career researchers in prevention science and increase the pool of possible reviewers. We invite emerging prevention scientists to apply to serve a 2-year term as mentored reviewers for the journal Prevention Science. Candidates apply for the position, and as part of that application process, they identify and secure a commitment from a prevention science mentor to supervise their appointment to the review board for the 2-year period. The candidate commits to providing up to four reviews each year; the mentor commits to co-reviewing and co-authoring the review to ensure high quality reviews. The candidate will serve as the reviewer of record in the online review system.


The Prevention Science Early Career Reviewer Program aims to 1) provide a mentored training experience to early career prevention scientists; 2) increase the pool and pipeline of quality reviewers for Prevention Science; 3) promote greater connection between the journal and the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) Early Career Preventionist Network (ECPN) regarding scholarship; and 4) promote greater visibility of the journal and SPR among early career scholars working in the field of prevention science. The overarching goal is to foster appreciation for, and enhanced understanding of and participation in, the peer-review process among early career scholars in the field of prevention science.


The early career reviewers and their mentors will be acknowledged at the next annual SPR meeting, during the conference awards ceremony. The early career reviewers will have their name published in the journal as a member of the editorial board.