Sociolinguistic Aspects of Stigmatization and Implications for Addiction Treatment


1.Ms. Becca Petros (⚑ United States) 1

1. Detroit Recovery Project, Inc.


This research investigates the phenomenon of stigmatizing language surrounding substance use and addiction, focusing on its implications for treatment outcomes and the broader implications for addiction as a public health issue. Drawing from sociolinguistic theories and concepts such as identity construction among communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) and power dynamics (Bucholtz & Hall, 2005), this study provides a sociolinguistic analysis of language choices and discourse analysis to explore the various forms and expressions of stigmatizing language which are used to describe individuals with substance use disorders, and ultimately how language plays a crucial role in shaping attitudes, beliefs, and societal perceptions surrounding addiction and recovery.

This study delves into the linguistic mechanisms that contribute to stigmatization, including the use of derogatory terms, metaphors, and framing techniques that perpetuate negative stereotypes, marginalization, and social ostracization experienced by people struggling with addiction. Moreover, the impact of stigmatizing language on treatment outcomes is examined, with a focus on how it affects help-seeking behaviors, treatment engagement and adherence, and the overall therapeutic relationship. Additionally, this study discusses the repercussions of stigmatizing language on addiction as a public health concern, highlighting how linguistic stigmatization informs and perpetuates societal prejudices that dehumanize individuals with substance use disorders, leading to limited access to resources, hindered policy initiatives, and compromised healthcare delivery.

Through an interdisciplinary approach, this research aims to contribute to the understanding of the sociolinguistic aspects of addiction-related stigmatization, ultimately paving the way for developing linguistically informed interventions that promote positive treatment outcomes and address addiction as a complex social issue.