Plenary 6: Review and Reflections - A Panel Session

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference from 16th September to 10th November 2020.

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm SA


Plenary Co-Chairs: Joanna Travis-Roberts and Livia Edegger, ISSUP Global

1. African Perspective

  • African Union Commission Jane Marie Ong’olo - Head of Social Welfare, Vulnerable Groups and Drug Control
  • CICAD Jimena Kalawski - Chief, Demand Reduction
  • ISSUP South Africa Roger Weimann - President
  • African Union Commission Jane Marie Ong’olo African Union Commission Perspective of the Role of Traditional Health Practitioners and Leaders in DDR in Africa

2. Prevention

  • ISSUP Global Jeff Lee - Senior Consultant
  • UNODC Giovanna Campello - Chief, Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section
  • ITTC South Africa Dr. Goodman Sibeko - Director of ITTC; Head, Division of Addiction Psychiatry, University of Cape Town

3. Treatment

  • Colombo Plan DAP Thom Browne - CEO
  • African Union Commission Jane Marie Ong’Olo - Head of Social Welfare, Vulnerable Groups and Drug Control
  • ISSUP South Africa David Bayever

4. Professionalising the Workforce

  • ICUDDR Dr. Kim Johnson - Executive Director
  • Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification Becky Vaughn - Director
  • ISSUP South Africa Roger Weimann - President

5. Closing

  • African Union Commission Jane Marie Ong'olo - Head of Social Welfare, Vulnerable Groups and Drug Control
  • Central Drug Authority Dr. Pelmos Mashabela - Deputy Chairperson
  • ISSUP South Africa Roger Weimann - President
  • CICAD Jimena Kalawski - Chief, Demand Reduction
  • Colombo Plan DAP Thom Browne - CEO
  • INL Bill McGlynn - Senior Advisor, Office of Global Policy and Programs, DDR
  • ISSUP Global Joanna Travis-Roberts - Chief Executive


For more information on the 'Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology' Virtual Conference, please visit Africa 2020