UTC 6 and UTC 7 Training Report

The Education and Training Unit of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) organised training on “UTC 06- Case Management for Addiction Professionals and UTC 07- Crisis Intervention for Addiction Professionals” for 28 staff members of the NDDCB which was held on 17th – 19th December 2019 at NDDCB Auditorium.
The training followed the international curriculum UTC 6 and UTC 7 that was developed for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in collaboration with the Colombo Plan. The goals of the training were to expand the treatment capacity of NDDCB staff by providing an opportunity for participants to learn and practice principles, models and steps of Case Management and Crisis Intervention in their treatment settings.
The training was delivered by a panel of qualified trainers who obtained ICAP I credentials. 28 participants from different divisions of the NDDCB took part in the training. In order to deliver knowledge and skills, various learner-centred methods were used including small group exercises, large group exercises, reflective writing exercises, and role-plays. Pre and Post measures were gathered at the beginning and end of the programme to evaluate the acquisition of knowledge from the training. At the end of the training, every participant completed an online evaluation which provided an overall assessment of the training.
Comprehensive assessment of the training shows that participants acquired the knowledge and skills provided through training. In general, the participants scored the training as successful and reported that they feel comfortable in applying the knowledge in their real work settings.