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Partner Organisation
schools-based drug education
substance use
effective methods

How to Implement Effective School-Based Drug Education

The United Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) outlines a number of methods that can be adopted by schools to increase the effectiveness of their drug education programmes.

These include:

  • Using interactive methods
  • Using trained personnel
  • Structuring programmes as a series of sessions that incorporate ‘refresher’ elements
  • Looking to shape ideas about the risks associated with substance use
  • Providing opportunities to learn and use personal and social skills

On the flip side, according to UNODC, ineffective methods include:

  • Aiming to induce fear
  • Using unstructured chat sessions and non-interactive techniques, such as lecturing
  • Using police or ex-user delivered programmes
  • Focusing solely on ethics or emotional education, such as self-esteem building

To learn more about effective school-based prevention programmes, click here