14th EUSPR Conference

14th EUSPR Conference

EUSPR 2023 is being held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in October 5th and 6th 2023, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, October 4th. 

Our theme this year is ‘Optimizing Prevention Infrastructures’ and our keynotes and special sessions will focus on discussing the challenges facing prevention science.  

During the conference, several aspects of strengthening prevention infrastructures and systems will be explored, including ways to improve interventions, enhance decision-making processes, optimize funding, and professionalize the workforce. The goal of the conference is to connect research with practical needs and find ways to bridge the gap between the two.

Conference registration and call for abstracts will be open on March 30th. If you would like to participate, you are welcome to submit an abstract on the conference theme or any other prevention science-related topic. You can also submit discussion papers and theoretical and methodological developments.

In addition to these exciting theme presentations, there will be many opportunities for exploring the city of Sarajevo, trying out the tastes of Bosnia and discovering the culture while socializing with familiar and new colleagues.

If you have any questions, contact the conference manager at conference@euspr.org.