EUSPR Early Careers Forum Webinar
Submitted by Edie
Policy and evidence- more than a marriage of convenience.
Researchers are increasingly expected to show that their work is policy relevant. What does that meant? What else are researchers competing with? Are there any rules that will help to be more sure that evidence based results catches the eye of policy makers?
This session will give you a realistic picture of:
- how policy is made,
- how evidence is considered,
- what else is in policy makers minds in choosing a course of action.
The 4th of June 2020, from 2.30pm to 3.30 pm (CET), 1.30pm to 2.30 pm (GMT)
Places limited.
To participate in the webinar, register for free before the 29th of May 2020 12.00 (CET) by sending an email to boris.chapoton[at]univ-st-etienne[dot]fr