Alcohol Services: Responding to Diversity

Alcohol Services: Responding to Diversity

The Drug and Alcohol Research Centre conference will take place at Middlesex University on Friday 14th June. This year we are looking at the needs of diverse communities for alcohol (and other substances) service provision.

The needs of diverse communities for alcohol treatment services are not well understood from the literature or from existing population data.

This conference will report on findings from two recent studies investigating alcohol services for ethnic and cultural minority communities and will hear from specialist and mainstream service providers on their experiences and views of current provision needs for a range of minority groups.

The day will include research presentations, panel discussion, information on existing services and group discussions. Conference participants will have an opportunity to discuss their views on what are effective services for diverse communities and what more needs to be done to provide sensitive intervention for a range of different individuals and groups.

Mainstream and specialist service providers from across the country will be in attendance giving an opportunity to learn from, and network with, a range of practitioners in alcohol treatment fields.