INEBRIA 2018 (International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs)
Submitted by Livia
The conference will take place in Santiago de Chile, Chile, September 26-28 and the title for this year’s conference is “Challenges faced in the implementation of brief interventions in diverse settings, contexts and population groups”.
You can register and submit abstracts on the conference website (English version/Spanish version). Abstracts submission ends on April 13.
In case of any doubts, please write to: inebria2018 [at] senda [dot] gob [dot] cl (inebria2018[at]senda[dot]gob[dot]cl)
Hosted by Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL), the Nacional Service for Prevention and Rehabilitation on Drugs and Alcohol Consumption (SENDA) and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.