
Adfam is the only national charity tackling the effects of alcohol, drug use, or gambling on family members and friends. We improve life for thousands of people. We want anyone affected by someone elseś drug or alcohol use or gambling problem to have the chance to benefit from healthy relationships, be part of a loving and supportive family and enjoy mental and physical wellbeing. Adfam was also instrumental in the establishment os ISSUP UK and continues its collaboration as a member os ISSUP UKś Advisory Board.

State of the Sector 2019: Drug and Alcohol Family Support

This report shares the findings from Adfam's State of the Sector Family Support Survey which in 2019 asked 117 practitioners and managers working in family support services in England about current trends, developments, strengths and...

Families, substance use and mental health: Report and Toolkit

Dual diagnosis is the term used to describe people with mental health problems, who also misuse drugs or alcohol. People affected by dual diagnosis often fall through the cracks of public services, and so do their families. Those cracks are...

Adfam's Covid-19 Top Tips

The current global pandemic of the Covid-19 virus is resulting in unprecedented changes to peoples lives. Many of these changes will put an additional strain on the families of those with substance use problems, and already challenging...

Supporting the Families of Substance Users

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Expert Days Event: Supporting the Families of Substance Users - An Interview with Vivienne Evans OBE Vivienne Evans OBE is an ISSUP Board member and Chief Executive of Adfam - the UK’s national umbrella organisation for children and...

Chemsex: More than just Sex & Drugs

Supporting a friend, partner, or family member affected by problematic alcohol or drug use can be difficult. Adfam has released a new resource to inform and providing advice on how to look after your wellbeing and as well as that of your...