Ioulia Bafi

Ioulia Bafi

Psychologist, Head of the Greek Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Alcohol (EKTEPN), which is also the EMCDDA’s Focal Point. EKTEPN operates under the Athens University Mental Health Research Institute.

EKTEPN has a key role in monitoring drug and alcohol problems and responses and in promoting and supporting evidence-based decisions and actions. 

Joined EKTEPN in 2002. For many years, she had been coordinating the Demand Reduction Unit, one of the main Units of EKTEPN with the main task the monitoring of the drug demand reduction services and programmes implemented at national level.

Participates in committees and working groups in the field of addiction at national and European level. She has also been a short-term expert in twinning projects of the EC in the field of drugs and she has coordinating the Greek arm of European-funded projects.

Speaker at
ISSUP profile