Fernanda Dal Maso Camera

Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA) in 1999, Specialist in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy from Santa Casa de São Paulo (2000), Master of Science in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme from the Federal University of São Paulo (2005) and PhD in Health Sciences (UNESC/SC) 2016.

She has been a lecturer on the Physiotherapy course at URI in Erechim/RS for 18 years. She has experience in Hospital Physiotherapy and Cardiopulmonary, Metabolic and Post-COVID Rehabilitation, where she is coordinator of the Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic.

She works on the URI Medicine course as the lecturer responsible for the Curricular Extension of the General Medical Clinic discipline (Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation), where she supervises students. She has been coordinating the PREVDROGAS programme at the URI School of Basic Education for 4 years and is the Coordinator of the Master's and Doctorate Programme in Integral Health Care at URI Erechim.


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ISSUP profile